Don't see the Kubota Tractor Package you need? Call us, we'll build a package deal just for you. German-Bliss Equipment has the most complete and flexible Package deals on Kubota Tractors anywhere. With special low rate financing from Kubota, you can have the equipment you need today.
*0% Down, 0% A.P.R. financing for up to 60-months on purchases of select new Kubota MX Series tractor equipment and Land Pride equipment from participating dealers’ in-stock inventory is available to qualified purchasers through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A.; subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply. Non-Kubota and non-Land Pride equipment will be at standard APR if financed. Offer expires 1/30/25. See us or go to for more information.
KCC requires that all equipment financed be covered by insurance at all times, wherever located, against all risks of physical damage or theft. Click here to learn about the Kubota-Endorsed property damage insurance program.
Not all rates apply to all sales.
Some customers will not qualify.
Financing is limited to available dealer inventory.
Customer must complete the purchase and take delivery of all financed equipment prior to the end of the program period.
Contact German-Bliss Equipment today at 309-385-4316 (Princeville) or 309-694-3700 (East Peoria) for more details and to learn which of these options are available to you.
These rates are available only at participating Authorized Kubota Dealers.
All financing is subject to credit approval and acceptance by KCC.
NMLS ID: 22437
KCC specifically reserves the right to terminate or modify these rates at any time.
Standard down payment applies unless noted otherwise (25%, 30% or 35% based on payment frequency).
Review the KCC Installment Credit Application now. Simply print this application, complete the form and email it to [email protected] when you are ready to purchase Kubota products or equipment.
**2024 Farmer Veteran Program terms and conditions: customer must be a member of Farmer Veteran Coalition (FVC) to qualify. Dealer is required to verify veteran status (see below). For veteran to apply for FVC membership, please go to website: Rebate only valid for Veteran Members, not for Associate Members.
Note: When a veteran applies for FVC membership, they go through a verification process through the FVC site, on a section called “”, creating a login/profile with the platform. For those who have smart phones, they will be able to log in to at the dealership to prove FVC membership, while those who do not have smart phones would need to log in to from a computer and print the verification screen prior to going to the dealership—or use a computer in the dealership to show proof. This discount is in addition to all current programs.